Resilient, healthy and happier moms grow here.

Have you lost touch with yourself since becoming a mom?

Do you feel anxious, sad, guilty or resentful all the time?

Do you ever wonder,“Will I ever feel like myself again?”

If any of these sound like you,

you are in the right place.

  Motherhood is so hard.

From the first sleepless night, through every change you have to make in yourself to keep up – Motherhood feels like an endless transformation, and it’s probably the hardest work you will ever know.

Smiling woman holding a mug in an office with framed certificates on the wall, and a plant on the desk.

Hi there, I’m Keely.

And I’m so grateful you’re here.

I am a perinatal mental health specialist, a therapist, a mom of two, and a champion of all mothers who want to grow happier lives.

I’ve been where you probably are. I have felt the utter exhaustion and guilt-ridden unhappiness that is sometimes being a mom. And I’ve lived and recovered from my own experiences of postpartum depression & anxiety after a difficult pregnancy, a scary birth, and an impossible start to the motherhood journey.

Through it all, I’ve learned that taking care of myself is mandatory if I’m going to show up as the confident, regulated, and compassionate mother I want to be for my kids. It’s the hardest work I’ve ever had to do, but every effort I have made to get here has been so worth it.

Now I want to share what I know and feel so passionate about with you. It takes tremendous courage to say “I’m not okay,” and “I want more.” Together, I will help you find your own confidence as a mom, teach you how to prioritize your self again, and create a motherhood you too can feel happier in.

Thank you for being here with me, I can’t wait to see you grow!

Maybe you’re not getting any sleep.

You’re having trouble concentrating.

You’re feeling anxious, sad, or bored much of the time.

You do so much but still can’t manage to get anything meaningful done, much less for yourself.

Maybe you’re arguing with your partner or your other kids more than ever before.

You’re being so hard on yourself and thinking, “Will I ever get my life back?”

Silhouettes of two people jumping in the air against a sunset background.

I know how hard motherhood can be, and how even harder it can be to admit it. You want to feel something easy again, something more confident and fun. You want to enjoy these precious moments while they’re still little, but the stress of it all is just too much.

In my work, I use my own understanding of motherhood and maternal mental health to support what you are experiencing. I help you discover who you are, both in motherhood and outside of it. And together we help you reclaim yourself and build life you can love.

You CAN enjoy your life and motherhood.

About Me

I’m Keely, and I love supporting mothers in becoming your fullest, happiest self. Learn more about me and my work in this short video!

Grow From Anywhere

All support is possible online via my secure video/tele-health platform, offering you flexibility to meet from wherever you need to be.


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